‘If You’re All Right, I’m OK’ – 只要你好我就好
PureLandBuddhism 6月5日
By Master Jingzong
Today I shared a thought with Master Zongtai: “If you’re all right, I’m OK.” Master Zongtai was touched. “That is pregnant with meanings,” he said, before repeating: “If you’re all right, I’m OK. If you’re all right, I’m OK …”
“That’s it!” I told him. “If you recite it regularly, like a chant, your heart will open wide and you will get along with everyone.”
As reciters we receive blessings from Amitabha Buddha, including the ultimate one (rebirth in the Pure Land). In our own dealings with others, we can only wish them well. Everything is fine with us but not with them. So if he were OK, wouldn’t I be all right too — and vice versa? We ask for nothing, as Amitabha has already met all our needs. So the only thing we wish is that others be well.
“If you’re all right, I’m OK.” This is a genuine wish, an earnest expectation and a heartfelt blessing. “I” seek nothing, being already fulfilled. My sole deficiency is that you aren’t well off enough. When you are, I will be complete.
“If you’re all right, I’m OK” is a wish that is completely open. It rejoices unconditionally with the other, in happy anticipation. “You’re all right” is on your own terms and according to your understanding. No matter how accurate, my understanding of your needs cannot supersede yours. But I can wait hopefully, my heart brimming with the thought, “If you’re all right, I’m OK.” And if you’re happy to accept my blessings from Amitabha, I’d be delighted to offer them to you.