Don’t worry about being unable to study the sutras deeply

Don’t worry about being unable to study the sutras deeply

Master Huijing PureLandBuddhism 8月25日

QUESTION 4: Today most major Dharma centers in mainland China teach Pure Land Buddhism, and other schools are declining. Won’t Buddhism be enfeebled if we do not propagate the teachings of other schools such as Yogacara (Consciousness Only) and Tiantai? Wouldn’t the Common path and its teachings become available in fewer and fewer Dharma centers? 


Shakyamuni Buddha appeared in this world to deliver sentient beings. As long as that goal is met, his purpose for manifesting in our world is fulfilled.

If we learn Buddhism and cannot gain rebirth in the Land of Bliss, but continue in the cycle of rebirth, even if we penetrate deeply the scriptures and master all the 84,000 schools of teaching, that would not be the aim of Shakyamuni Buddha. Nor would it be our purpose for learning the Dharma.

Once we reincarnate, we may not be able to remember what we learned in this lifetime. Besides, we would be reborn according to our karma. If we fall into the hell realm, we would suffer in both body and mind. It would not be possible for us to recall teachings that we learned in the past. For example, should we enter the embryo of a pig, we would take on the habit energy, characteristics and the ignorance of a pig.

Thus it is most important, when learning the Dharma, that we go deeply into the Pure Land teachings, so we can be reborn in the Land of Bliss.

Not only should we learn them, but we should convince people we know to do so as well. To learn these teachings indicates great wisdom, and propagating them is a demonstration of great kindness and compassion. To be able to learn Pure Land is to have abundant virtuous roots and meritorious blessings.

All the scriptures will vanish during the Age of Dharma Extinction, except the Infinite Life Sutra, which expounds the Pure Land teachings. If this sutra remains, it means that all sutras are preserved.

That’s because the aim of all the sutras and treatises is to free us from the cycle of rebirth. If we are so liberated, the goal of all the scriptures will have been met.

So don’t worry about being unable to study the sutras deeply; fret only about the inability to be reborn in the Pure Land. Once in the Land of Bliss, we will have a deep understanding of all sutras.

An Excerpt from What Kind of Buddha Is Amitabha? – Q&A 












作者: suifo

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